Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I'm in Geneva!

Well, i've finally made it here! Sorry i've been so poor at updating this whole thing. I've been here for a week and had only a little bit of downtime so far and most of that extra time has been spent getting to know others on the trip. Most of us get along great and i've found a few people that i can really talk to and whose company i really enjoy. Last night, a group of us had a wine and cheese party in the lounge and played Catchphrase until the wee hours. We may be rowdy at times, but at least we're having fun and not being homesick.

I arrived in Geneva on Tuesday morning (here). When we first got here, we hopped right onto a bus and moved into the John Knox Center which is a kind of dorm/classroom thing that i would equate with Atwood or the like. I have a single room in the basement and am two doors down from the bathroom so I am pretty glad I saved money by not getting a wash basin in my room. Then again, i'm glad that i splurged and got a single. I think i am done with having roommates... :) We were left no time to sleep to get over our jetlag so later that day we went on a boat tour on Lake Geneva which was AWESOME. It truly gave you the perfect picture of geneva- clear lake, huge mountains, old city etc. If any of you decide to splurge and come out here, this boat tour is a must do. As tired as we all were, i think that hour on the boat really made us appreciate where we were and our fatigue subsided and excitement set in.

The rest of the week is a blur. Wednesday, we went to the US Mission to the UN which is like an embassy but to an organization. That was really interesting and i've noticed more and more how my time at DHS has helped me understand more about the US government and how everything works than i ever thought while I was working there. It was really much more of a learning experience than i gave it credit for. We also went to the UN and took a tour, got our library passes there and then it was on to the Red Cross museum. By the end of the day, we were all incredibly worn out and couldn't wait to sleep. After naps, we had a dinner reception with the faculty and staff of the knox center which was nice. I think i have to temporarily suspend my attempt at being a vegetarian while here... too much trouble to do the whole thing with getting meals from the cook and all. I will try though...

Thursday, we did a lot of academic stuff in the morning and then took a walking tour of Old Town Geneva in the afternoon. The tour was fantastic because it really gave me a feel for what the city is like and after another week or so, i think i'll really know where i am going around here. Friday, we spent most of the day on the bus--first going to CERN (the physics research laboratory) and then going to Chateaux Chillion in Montreax, Switzerland on the other side of the lake. The views on the bus and at the Chateaux were INCREDIBLE. Photos are up on my webshots page from this first week and i think those pictures are some of the best i've ever taken. ever. Friday night, went out with a small group of people, learned the hard way that a REAL irish coffee has Jamison in it (oh, it burns), and ended the night drinking my first beer in Europe... maybe it will grow on me. just maybe.

Finally, the weekend came and we were able to sleep in a little bit. Saturday, i walked around Geneva by myself, took a nap, and then a group of us went out to an irish pub called Mr. Pickwicks (that's for you, Daddy). I had my second beer (a Heiniken) and spent the evening chatting with some irish gentelmen who were here for a rugby match on Sunday. Sunday, sat around and then ended up walking around with a few people in the city again. Sunday night, went back to Mr. Pickwick's (i think we may just become regulars there), and watched DA BEARSSS (thought of you freezing cold, Eric). Super exciting and surprisingly enough, we were NOT the only bears fans in there (me and my friend Kevin are the fanatics here, others just enjoy watching a good game of football).

Yesterday, we started class (blah!) I think most of us forgot that we have to do the whole class thing TOO! I had Swiss Politics in the morning and Human rights in the afternoon. Since most of our classes are 3 hours long once a week, mondays are going to be LOOOOOOOOOONG days. Oh well, no class on wednesdays so i guess i can't complain too much. Today, i have french (aaaaaaaaaah!) and Geography of Europe which, if nothing else, will hopefully give me some ideas where to travel. Most of my friends are taking this class as well and i like the professor so that should be nice, too.

AND, Megkins and I are having our Roman Holiday, MK&A style in 10 days! I am so excited i cannot stand it. More to come on that :) When in Rome...

Some fun facts about Geneva:
*The longest bench in the world is here and i have sat on it
*There are basically no homeless people here
*They are big on veal here. I am not big on veal.
*Starbuck's is twice the price here. LAME.
*There really aren't as many banks here as in Zurich
*All the clocks in every building are niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.

Most to come.

Miss you and love you all a whole lot. Drop me a line when you get a chance :)

Currently Reading... Chuck Klosterman IV: A decade of Curious People and Dangerous Ideas.


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